Cancer Center

Phone Numbers

Hematology / Oncology
(803) 794-7511
Radiation Oncology
(803) 791-2575
Women's Imaging
(803) 791-2486

Breast Cancer Screening

Make an Appointment

Answer a few questions to help us find the right mammography appointment for you or call (803) 791-2486 to schedule.

Book Online

Did you find a lump?

Act immediately if you detect a lump in your breast, especially if you're post-menopausal.

Call your physician right away.

Your LMC physician will help schedule your appointment within 24 hours.

What should I know about screenings?

If we detect breast cancer early, we often have the ability to manage it and even cure it.

Do I need to be tested?

Yes if:

  • You are a woman older than 40.
  • Your mother, grandmother or aunt has been diagnosed with breast cancer.
  • You have noticed a lump or another abnormality in your breast.
  • You have had breast cancer in the past.

How often do I need to be tested?

Women over 40 without a history of breast cancer:
You should get tested every 2 years.

If you have a history of breast cancer:
You should get tested more often. Talk to your doctor.

Does LexMed offer financial help?

We are a Best Chance Network provider for under-insured and non-insured patients, and accept Medicare.

What will happen during the screening?

Most screenings will use an ultrasound to detect lumps or lymph node issues. In some cases, your doctor may recommend a PT scan, which identifies fast-growing cancer cell locations.

Who gives screenings?

Screenings take place at our Women's Imaging Centers, and are performed by AART-certified and state-licensed technologists. The resulting images are read by five on-site board-certified radiologists, who have a combined 100 years of experience in mammography.

What happens if you find something?

We promise a definitive diagnosis within five days of your detection.

Five Days from Detection to Diagnosis

Our breast cancer diagnostic program has become a national standard.

Day 1
We'll schedule a breast exam within 24 hours of your call.

Day 2
Your physician will examine your breast. He or she may recommend an additional diagnostic procedure such as mammogram, lump analysis, ultrasound or non-surgical stereotactic biopsy.

Day 3
Mammogram results will be ready the day after your appointment. Your physician may schedule you for a biopsy, which may be conducted surgically or non-surgically.

Day 4
Your biopsy sample will be expedited to pathology to determine the nature of the lump in 24 hours.

Day 5

Your physician and the Women's Imaging Center will have your results. If necessary, your physician will discuss treatment options with you. About a third of women are cleared after initial diagnosis and require no further treatment.

Advanced Early Detection

Our advanced tests produce more accurate results and are often more comfortable for patients.

Breast Health & Mammograms

Our Women's Imaging Center provides leading diagnostic services for breast health, including:

  • Digital Mammography
  • Breast Ultrasound
  • Sterotactic and Ultrasound Biopsy
  • Breast MRI and MRI Biopsy