Pulmonary Care

Phone Numbers

Carolina Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Lexington Medical Park 1
(803) 256-0464
Northeast Columbia
(803) 936-8900

Outpatient Pulmonary Services

(803) 935-8260

Lung Function Testing

Benefits of Lung Function Tests

  • Comprehensive screening and testing options
  • Fast, accurate results from our board-certified pulmonologists
  • Early diagnosis and treatment for lung and airway diseases
(803) 935-8260

What is a lung function test?

Lung function tests, also called pulmonary function tests (PFTs), are non-invasive tests that measure how well the lungs are working. This information helps your doctor plan the best course of treatment.

Types of Tests

Your doctor might use one or more tests depending on what they are looking for.

Breathing (Spirometry)

This test measures how much air you can breathe in and how fast you can breathe out using a spirometer, a small device attached to a mouthpiece. It helps diagnose lung and airway diseases, and it can also check for scarring.

What to Expect

During this test, you take a deep breath then blow as hard and fast as you can into a mouthpiece.

Lung Volume (Plethysmography)

This test measures your total lung capacity and how much air is in your lungs after you take in a deep breath.

What to Expect

You’ll sit in a clear booth and perform breathing exercises for about 15 minutes.

Gas Transfer (DLCO)

This test measures how your lungs transfer oxygen from the air your breathe to your bloodstream.

What to Expect

You’ll breathe in oxygen mixed with very small amounts of helium and carbon monoxide, which are completely harmless at the low levels used. Then you’ll be asked to hold your breath for 10 seconds before exhaling fully.

Bronchial Challenge

Also called airway provocation, this test measures how sensitive your lungs are. It can help rule out whether the problem is caused by your lungs or something else.

What to Expect

You’ll breathe in gradually increasing doses of a medication that causes mild irritation. People with sensitive lungs will be affected by a much lower dose than people with healthy lungs.

Test Results

Our board-certified pulmonologists offer fast, accurate results interpretation for quicker diagnosis and treatment.

Ask for a Referral

You’ll need a referral from your primary care provider to schedule a test. Talk with your doctor to see if lung function testing is right for you.