Cancer Center

Early Detection

Supportive Care

Our Approach to Screening

  • Focus on making a quick diagnosis to treat any problems early.
  • Advanced, accurate techniques that are more comfortable for patients.
  • Convenient, comfortable screenings for the community.

Cancers We Screen For

Breast Cancer

You should get tested if:

  • You are a woman older than 40.
  • Your mother, grandmother or aunt has been diagnosed with breast cancer.
  • You have noticed a lump or another abormality in your breast.
  • You have had breast cancer in the past.

Cervical Cancer

You should get tested if:

  • You are a woman who is 21 or older.

Colon Cancer

You should get tested if:

  • You are 45 or older.

Lung Cancer

You should get tested if:

  • You are between 55-77 years old and a heavy smoker (the equivalent of a pack a day for 30 years).
  • You are between 50-77 years old and at risk because of family history, your occupation or a lung disease.

Prostate Cancer

You should get tested if:

  • You're a man who is 50 or older.
  • You have a family history of prostate cancer.

Skin Cancer

You should get tested if:

  • You've noticed any moles, freckles or spots changing size or shape.
  • You spend long periods of time in the sun.
  • You frequently use a tanning bed.
  • You have a family history of skin cancer.