Swathi Beeravolu, MD

Endocrinology (Hormones)

Swathi Beeravolu, MD

Board Status

SVS Medical College, Andhra Pradesh, India

John H. Stroger Jr. Hospital, Chicago

Southern Illinois University, Springfield

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After earning her medical degree from SVS Medical College in Andhra Pradesh, India, Swathi Beeravolu, MD, completed an internal medicine residency at John H. Stroger Jr. Hospital in Chicago. She then served as the attending physician of the hospital’s Internal Medicine department before pursuing an endocrinology fellowship at Southern Illinois University in Springfield.

During her fellowship, Dr. Beeravolu coordinated several research studies specific to endocrinology, including investigating the clinical effect of estimating radioactive iodine doses related to the US-based versus clinical method in Graves’ disease, and the improvement of on-time insulin dosing and glycemic control with coordinated meal administration.

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