Sleep Solutions

Phone Numbers

Main Campus
(803) 791-2000
Sleep Solutions Center
(803) 791-2683

Common Sleep Disorders

For some people, a good night’s sleep is out of reach. Our board-certified sleep specialists can diagnose sleep disorders and develop individualized treatment plans to regain sleep quality.

Sleep Apnea

This common condition is defined by pauses in breathing that last 10 seconds or longer and can occur 20 to 30 times an hour. Symptoms may include frequent waking episodes and choking or gasping sounds. Sleep apnea is dangerous because it deprives blood of oxygen.


Snoring occurs when the airway is obstructed. While oxygen levels remain normal, snoring can interfere with sleep quality and cause daytime sleepiness. Snoring can be a sign of a more serious breathing problem.


Insomnia is a disorder of initiating and maintaining sleep. Symptoms often include: difficulty falling asleep, even when tired; reliance on sleeping pills or alcohol to fall asleep; waking frequently during the night; waking too early and not feeling refreshed; and daytime sleepiness.


This disorder causes excessive daytime sleepiness and feelings of drowsiness during the day even after restful sleep. Symptoms include constant sleepiness, frequent napping, long nighttime sleeping, irritability, mild depression, memory loss and lack of concentration.


This disorder results in difficulty staying awake. People suffering from narcolepsy may have a “sleep attack,” falling suddenly asleep, even if they got plenty of sleep during the night. Narcoleptics may have problems with school, work and social life.

Restless Leg Syndrome

This sensory disorder results in an almost uncontrollable urge to move the legs. A common symptom is an uncomfortable, tingly or creeping sensation while at rest, often in the evening or at night.

Periodic Limb Movement Disorder

This disorder is characterized by a person’s legs and sometimes arms moving repetitively and uncontrollably while awake or asleep.